since 09/2021: Research associate
at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Department of Communication
10/2018-09/2021: Master's degree in communication science (M.A.) at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (graduated with distinction, 1,0). Thesis title: Countering incivility – a question of deliberative formulation? An experimental online study on cognitive, affective, and conative effects of varying deliberative formulation in users' counter speech in political discussions in the comment section on social media
10/2014-09/2017: Bachelors's degree (B.A.) in communication science (major) and psychology (minor) at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (graduated with distinction, 1,0). Thesis title: A question of gender? An eye tracking study of the influence of social gender, internet skills and diligence on search behavior for political information on the Internet
Various activities as a student assistant at the FSU Jena (Department of Communication), e.g. research assistance under PD Dr. Tino Meitz (Media Psychology), tutor for methods and statistics, as well as at the WWU Münster (Department of Online Communication), e.g. student assistant of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Quandt , including work for the research project "Detection, evidence and combating hidden propaganda attacks via online media (Propstop)" under the direction of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Quandt.
Research interestes
- dynamics and effects of (collective) emotions on social media (e.g. outrage dynamics, social media hypes)
- incivility and hate speech in online discussions
- (collective) emotions and democratically dysfunctional online communication
- political communication
- media effects research
- quantitative methods