Please note: As of March 1st, Philipp Müller has moved to the University of Mannheim. To contact him there, please write to
04/2014-02/2019: Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Communication, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
01/2018-07/2018: Parental leave
08/2015-02/2016: Principal investigator of the project „Medienkonvergenz aus Nutzersicht. Eine Exploration mittels kognitiver Verfahren“, funded by Forschungsschwerpunkt Medienkonvergenz of the University of Mainz, State of Rhineland-Palatinate
07/2015: PhD from the School of Social Sciences, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, with a thesis on the perception of media change (summa cum laude)
06/2014-09/2016: Coordinator of the collaboration between the Universities of Zurich and Mainz as part of the National Center of Competence in Research – Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century (NCCR Democracy), project "A look into the black box—How populist communication strategies affect citizens' attitudes", funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
04/2013: Visiting lecturer at the Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale, Sapienza – Università di Roma, funded by the EU programme ERASMUS
04/2010-03/2014: Research associate at the Department of Communication Studies and Media Research, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
10/2004-02/2010: Studies in Communication, Psychology, Media Studies, and Media Education at the Universities of Mainz and Passau (B.A., 2008; M.A. 2010); during this time: several appointments with media and market research organizations (Passauer Neue Presse, ZDF, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Media-Analyse) and as tutor and research assistant at the University of Passau
Research focus:
- Uses, perceptions, and effects of journalistic media coverage
- Social dynamics and psychological mechanisms of media change and innovation
- Media production and consumption in the digital age
- Political communication and societal cohesion
- Populism, "post-truth" society and polarization
- Best Proposal Award 2018 of DGPuK's Communication and Politics Division
- The Kaid Sanders Best Article of the Year Award 2017 of ICA's Political Communication Division
- Top Paper Award 2016/2017 of the journal SCM – Studies in Communication and Media
- Top Reviewer 2017 of the journal Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
- Best Proposal Award 2017 of DGPuK's Media Reception and Effects Division
- Top Poster 2015 of ICA's Mass Communication Division
- Best Paper Award 2011 of DGPuK's Media Reception and Effects Division
Activities in the academic community:
- Reviewer for national and international conferences and journals (e.g.: Communication Research; Information, Communication & Society; International Journal of Public Opinion Research; Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism; Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly; Journal of Communication; Media Psychology; Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft; New Media & Society; Public Opinion Quarterly; SC|M – Studies in Communication | Media; The International Journal of Press/Politics)
- Organizer of conferences, workshops, and panels (e.g., ICA, DGPuK Methods Division, DGPuK Media Reception and Effects Division)
- Member of European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), German Communication Association (DGPuK), International Communication Association (ICA), International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Netzwerk Medienstrukturen, and Team Populism
- Functions in academic self-government (e.g., member of the faculty council, commissioner for the library of the Department of Communication, member of appointment and teaching committees)
Knowledge transfer:
- Author of expert reports (Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit)
- Media appearances (interviews with, e.g.,, Deutschlandfunk, dpa, MDR aktuell, meta – Das Magazin über Journalismus und Wissenschaft, stern, SWR Fernsehen, ZDF, ZDFinfo)
- Public talks and panel discussions (on invitation by, e.g., Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Rheinland-Pfalz, Landesanstalt für Medien NRW, Jugend- und Sozialamt Frankfurt a. M., AStA of RWTH Aachen)