
DySCo in Washington – Presentations at the ICA 2019

We again participated at the annual conference of the International Communication Assocation. This year, the conference was held from the 24th until the 28th of May in Washington, DC. We presented the following papers:

  • Philipp K. Masur & Sabine Trepte: Transformative or Not? How Experiences of Privacy Violations Influence Privacy Concerns and Privacy Behaviors (Top Paper Award of the division Communication and Technology)
  • Lara N. Wolfers & Philipp K. Masur: The Willingness to Self-Disclose in Online and Offline Contexts: Trait(S), State and Reciprocal Influences
  • Fabienne Lind & Christine E. Meltzer: Now You See Me, Now You DonÕt Applying Automated Content Analysis to Track Female MigrantsÕ Salience in German News
  • Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Christine E. Meltzer, Nora Theorin, Tobias Heidenreich, Fabienne Lind, Hajo G. Boomgaarden, Christian Schemer & Jesper Strömbäck: Media Framing Effects on Policy Preferences Towards Free Movement: A Comparative Approach
  • Svenja Schäfer, Philipp Müller & Marc Ziegele: The Double-Edged Sword of Arguing with Facts How Evidence-Based User Comments Both Decrease and Increase Discussion Participation Through Subjective Knowledge
  • Svenja Schäfer: Illusion of Knowledge Through Facebook News? the Impact of Repetition in News Posts on Perceived and Factual Knowledge, Attitude Strength and Willingness for Discussions
  • Svenja Schäfer, Christian Schemer & Leonard Reinecke: Selective Exposure Online the Influence of Attitude-Consistency, Interest in a Topic and Popularity Indicators (Likes) on News Use Patterns
  • Mathias Weber, Christina Koehler, Marc Ziegele & Christian Schemer: Online Hate Does Not Stay Online: How Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Mediate the Effect of Negativity and Hate in User Comments on Prosocial Behavior
  • Stefan Geiss, Viola Granow & Christian Schemer: Unpleasant Lessons in Trust: Effects of Exposure to Attacks and Incivilities on Trust in Politicians
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Dr. Philipp Müller starts new job at the University of Mannheim

With a tear in one eye and a smile in the other, we say goodbye to Philipp Müller. Starting in March 2019, he begins a new job at the Institute of Media and Communication Science at the University of Mannheim.

Philipp Müller began working at the Institut für Publizistik in 2014 after working at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. During his time in the DySCo-Team, he was, among other things, responsible for the project “Media Convergence: An Exploration Using Cognitive Methods”.

The DySCo-Team thanks Philipp for many years of great and productive collaboration. We will miss Philipp as a great colleague and friend. You can reach Philipp at the University of Mannheim using the following address:

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New project and new team member: Christine Meltzer and Christian Schemer study European mobility

In January, the three-year project "Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms" has started. The project is funded by the Horizon 2020 Program for Research and Innovation finanziert. It is the aim to investigate the perception of and the media debate about intra-EU migration. The project is conducted by a consortium of 13 partner institutions. Christian Schemer is project leader of a working package. Christine Meltzer works as a postdoc on the project. The DySCo team welcomes Christine as a new team member. We are looking forward to working together!

More information on the project can be found at the project website.

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DySCo goes Japan – Paper presentations at the 2016 ICA conference

In 2016, DySCo team members will once again be presenting their most recent research at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA). This major communication conference this year takes place from June 9 to 13 in Fukuoka, Japan. A number of papers that have been (co-)authored by DySCo team members will be presented: Continue reading "DySCo goes Japan – Paper presentations at the 2016 ICA conference"

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Stefan Geiß receives dissertation prize of the Johannes Gutenberg University

Stefan Geiß has received one of this year’s dissertation prizes of the Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz. With its dissertation prizes, JGU honors outstanding dissertations and artistic works from the whole range of scientific and artistic disciplines. Stefan Geiß‘ dissertation, entitled „Die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne der Öffentlichkeit: Eine Studie zu Dauer und Intensität von Meinungsbildungsprozessen“ („The Public Attention Span: A Study of Duration and Intensity of Opinion Formation Processes“) has recently been released, published by Nomos.

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Philipp Müller finishes his PhD

DySCo team member Philipp Müller has succesfully completed his PhD with his defense on July 1st. The title of his dissertation is »Die Wahrnehmung des Medienwandels. Eine theoretische und empirische Exploration ihrer Dimensionen, Entstehungsbedingungen und Folgen« [The perception of media change. A theoretical and empirical exploration of its dimensions, origins and consequences].

The dissertation deals with three questions: 1. How do media users observe and judge changes in the media environment? 2. Which factors influence the ermegence of certain perceptions of media change? 3. What are the consequences of different perceptions of media change. The study exploits this new area of research on a broad and systematic theoretical and empirical basis. Results show that perceptions of changes in the media environment have an impact in different behavioral and attitudinal contexts. They affect, e.g., the willingness to pay for media content, attitudes towards media policy, and the individual stress level. With these results, the study demonstrates the benefits of integrating the investigation of individuals' perceptions in media change research. Continue reading "Philipp Müller finishes his PhD"

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DySCo team at the ICA 2015 conference

All members of the DySCo Research Group will participate at this year's conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). The conference will be held in May 2015 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

We congratulate DySCo team member Stefan Geiß who has been awarded the Top Four Student Paper Award of the Mass Communication division for his paper "Understanding the Decay of Public Attention: Predicting Progress of Opinion Formation with Latent Growth Curves." Additionally, a large number of other contributions by DySCo team members has been accepted for presentation:

Continue reading "DySCo team at the ICA 2015 conference"

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Stefan Geiß finishes his PhD

Stefan Geiß with his PhD supervisor Hans Mathias Kepplinger
Stefan Geiß with his PhD supervisor Hans Mathias Kepplinger

DySCo team member Stefan Geiß has succesfully completed his PhD with an oral exam this Wednesday, 22nd of October. The title of his dissertation is »Die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne der Öffentlichkeit. Eine Studie zur Dauer und Intensität von Meinungsbildungsprozessen« [The attention span of the public. A study on the duration and intensity of opinion formation processes]. Continue reading "Stefan Geiß finishes his PhD"

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Workshop of the "Observation Methods" Working Group in Mainz

georg_forster-gebaeude_01On the 28th of November 2014, the DySCo Research Group will be hosting this year's annual workshop of the „Observation Methods“ Working Group. The focus of the workshop will be on working with time-series data (e.g. physiological data, registration of eye movement). The workshop will discuss elementary methodological problems that appear during the collection and analysis of this kind of data. Visitors of the workshop can register online until November 15th. Proposals for active contributions can be submitted until the end of September.

The workshop will be held in German language. You can find more information on our German-language website.

We are looking forward to an exciting event!

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